2007 California Trip Budget

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Description Rate Amount Amount in GBP Notes
Flights 2x £769.90 £1,539.80 £1,539.80 Paid on MC
Care Hire $1,417.92 $1,417.92 £723.43 Booked, yet to pay
Fuel $250.00 $250.00 £127.55 Estimate
SF Hotel (San Remo Hotel) 3x $175.00 $525.00 £267.86 Booked, yet to pay
Lake Tahoe Hotel (Stateline Lodge) 2x $89.95 $179.90 £91.79 Booked, yet to pay
Yosemite Hotel (Wawona Hotel) 5x $169.00 $929.50 £474.23 Already paid $185.90 deposit (= £94.85)
Independence Hotel (Winnedumah Hotel) 1x $85.00 $85.00 £43.37
Death Valley Hotel (Furnace Creek Ranch) 4x $163.00 $740.24 £377.67 Already paid $246.75 deposit (= £125.89)
Las Vegas Hotel (Paris Las Vegas) $215*3 $705.24 £359.81
Grand Canyon Hotel (Holiday Inn Express) $133 + $108 + $133 $398.35 £203.24
Total £4,208.75